A key of my own
Being a temp means getting your raincoat locked in the office and having to wear your son’s rain poncho all Shavuot because nobody thought to tell you that they were locking the office with the coat closet in it when they left five minutes before you did.
Being a temp means that, whenever the senior assistant comes back from vacation, you have to give her back her key.
Being a full-time permanent employee means not getting pay-docked every time they close the office for a holiday.
Being a full-time permanent employee means finally having a desk that I can truly consider my own.
Being a full-time permanent employee means that, when I call other employees of our organization who work in my building, the interoffice caller-ID display shows my name.
Being a full-time permanent employee means that, for the first time since I earned a certificate in word processing in January 1997, I finally have my own key to the office.
I’m not an orphan anymore.
Thanks, Ezzie!
Chuck, it may seem "weird," but, if you hang out in the "blogosphere" long enough, you'll find that you do end up caring about people whom you've never met and, in most cases, aren't likely to. I've written to fellow and sister bloggers, both on our respective blogs and off-blog (via e-mail), about our respective kids, our respective parents, and all manner of other topics of mutual concern or interest. In some ways, blogger buddies can become the functional equivalent of pen pals.
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